Designing Better Oncology E-Learning Experiences

Horizon CME
Aug 2020


As part of my role at Horizon CME, a provider of continuing medical education to healthcare providers, I served as a moderator and provided technical support for a series of virtual conferences and events across the US. Email marketing played a crucial role in effectively reaching healthcare providers, given that it served as the primary means of communication. This case study focuses on my efforts to enhance the email marketing strategy by developing modular email templates using the MJML language, resulting in improved engagement and registrations for the events.


Horizon CME is a company dedicated to offering continuing medical education programs to healthcare providers. With a focus on virtual conferences and events, the client aimed to connect with healthcare professionals across the United States. The challenge lay in effectively communicating important and constantly changing information to a diverse audience through email marketing.


The high volume and varied nature of messages, combined with the need for frequent monitoring, posed a challenge in efficiently managing email communications. It was crucial to prioritize and adapt to changing messaging while ensuring consistency and avoiding any issues with email rendering.


To address the challenges faced by Horizon CME, I devised a comprehensive solution that involved developing modular email templates using the MJML language. This choice allowed for efficient design, creation, previewing, and deployment of responsive and mobile-friendly emails across different email clients and platforms.

By leveraging the capabilities of MJML, I created a simplified component library that included colors, logos, reusable sections of various types, templates for specific messaging, and global sections/tiles for always up-to-date messages in emails. This approach provided a flexible route to accommodate changing information, ensuring consistent and visually appealing emails that remained intact across different devices and email platforms.


While embarking on this challenge, understanding the Horizon CME mission, audience, and process gave me a better understanding of making sure that designs and development are accessible and continuously improved.

Color Palette


APP Oncology Summit Slides Design

APPOS Honolulu LinkedIn Post
APPOS Honolulu LinkedIn Post
Horizon CME Slide Deck
Horizon CME Slide Deck
Horizon CME Slide Deck
Horizon CME Slide Deck
Horizon CME Slide Deck
Horizon CME Slide Deck
Advances in Breast Cancer Poster
Advances in Breast Cancer Poster

APP Oncology Summit Icons

APPOS Magnet Icon
APPOS Magnet Icon
APPOS Chat Icon
APPOS Chat Icon
APPOS Lightbulb Icon
APPOS Lightbulb Icon
APPOS Handshake Icon
APPOS Handshake Icon

Horizon CME Events

Horizon CME Certificate of Competition Design
Horizon CME Certificate of Competition Design
Live CME Webinar NYPQ
Live CME Webinar NYPQ


The implementation of modular email templates using MJML yielded significant positive outcomes for Horizon CME. The ability to quickly assemble and send targeted emails to the audience resulted in improved engagement and increased registrations for the virtual conferences and events.

The adoption of MJML as the email development language streamlined the process, reducing coding time and ensuring responsive and cross-platform emails. The modular approach facilitated efficient customization of design elements, maximizing the impact of each email campaign. Additionally, the iterative design process allowed for A/B testing of different messaging strategies, leading to the identification of effective approaches to drive conversions.

By exploring innovative strategies and refining the design over time, I was able to continuously improve the email marketing efforts for Horizon CME. The adoption of location-based emails, language-specific emails, and email newsletters further expanded the reach and effectiveness of the communication.

Through the implementation of modular email templates using the MJML language, I successfully addressed the challenges faced by Horizon CME in their email marketing campaigns. The strategic approach enabled the company to communicate effectively with healthcare providers, resulting in improved engagement and increased event registrations.

The use of MJML simplified the email development process, reducing coding time while ensuring responsive and visually appealing emails across various platforms. By leveraging the modular components and A/B testing, I was able to optimize the messaging strategies and explore innovative avenues for email marketing.

Overall, the results of this case study demonstrate the power of a well-executed email marketing strategy and the benefits of utilizing MJML for efficient and effective communication with healthcare providers.

Moderating for a APP Oncology Summit Virtual Conference 2020
Moderating for a APP Oncology Summit Virtual Conference 2020

Case Study

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Designed and Coded by Brian Moreno